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ProductsYour current location is:Products >> Mixed refrigerant (R404A,R406A,R407C,R410A)
Mixed refrigerant (R404A,R406A,R407C,R410A)
Mixed refrigerant (R404A,R406A,R407C,R410A)

Mixed refrigerant (R404A,R406A,R407C,R410A)
Properties and uses

R404A is a mixture of HFC125, HFC-134a and HFC-143. It is colorless gas at normal temperature and it is colorless transparent liquid under its own pressure. It is mainly used in low and medium temperature refrigerating systems.
R406A is a mixture of HCFC-22, HCFC-142b and R-600a. It is colorless gas at normal temperature and is colorless transparent liquid under its own pressure. It is a substitute of R500 and R12.
R407C is a mixture of HFC32, HFC-134a and HFC-152. It is colorless gas at normal temperature and is colorless transparent liquid under its own pressure. It is a substitute of R22. It is mainly used in air-conditioning and non-centrifugal refrigeration systems.
R410A is a mixture of R32/125. It is colorless gas at normal temperature and is colorless transparent liquid under its own pressure. It is a substitute of R22. It is mainly used in air-conditioning and non-centrifugal refrigeration systems.

Physical properties

  R404A R406A R407C R410A
Molecular formula R-134a/r-125/R-32 R-22/R-142b/R-600a R-32/R-134a/R-125 R-32/R-125
Molecular weight (g/mol) 97.6 89.86 86.2 72.58
Boiling point (101.3kPa,℃) -46.1 -32.7 -43.4 -52.7
Critical temperature (℃) 72.4 116.5 86.2.5 72.5
Critical pressure (MPa) 3.69 4.88 4.62 4.9496
Saturated density of liquid(g/cm3) 1.045 (25℃) 1.126 (21℃) 1.139 (30℃) 1.063 (25℃)
ODP 0 0.036 0 0
GWP 0.35 (HGWP) 0.33 (HGWP) 1600 1.890
Critical density (g/cm3) 0.4845 -0.456 0.527 0.5

Quality index

Item Superior product First-class product
Appearance Colorless and clear
Odor No odor
Purity (%, ≥) 99.8 99.5
Moisture (%, ≤) 0.001 0.002
Acidity (as HCI), (%, ≤) 0.00001 0.0001
Residue on evaporation (%, ≤) 0.01 0.01
Chloride (cl-) (%, ≤) 0.0003
Volume fraction of non-condensable gas (%, ≤) 1.5

R404A: steel cylinder, 10.9kg/30P,ISOTANK.
R406A: steel cylinder, 13.6kg/30P.
R407C: steel cylinder, 11.3kg/30P,950kg/1000L,870kg/926L,ISO TANK.
R410A: steel cylinder, 11.3kg/30P,950kg/1000L,870kg/926L,ISO TANK.
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